Funding shortfall for demolition of Fargo high rise

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FARGO, N.D. (Valley News Live) – The City of Fargo is facing a funding shortfall in the demolition phase of the Lashkowitz High Rise in downtown Fargo. Officials say the added expenses come from asbestos mitigation.

The nearly 250 residents of the high rise were notified in 2019 that the building was being sold. Senator John Hoeven toured the high rise on Tuesday to discuss efforts to demolish the now-obsolete facility. Plans are to redevelop the site, but it has to be cleaned up first.

“The Lashkowitz High Rise is in a prime location, but due to a severely outdated design and health hazards, this building needs to be demolished and redeveloped in order for the city to make the best use of this land,” Hoeven said.

Hoeven, a member of the Senate Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (THUD) Appropriations Committee, says he’s been working to secure funding to address the asbestos mitigation and help move the project forward.

A call was hosted between the City of Fargo and HUD officials to identify funding opportunities for the project. Hoeven is eyeing the EPA’s Brownfields Cleanup Grant Program to help replace the outdated HUD facility.

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