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No. 1 steel ?
July 2, 2009
9:40 AM
Forum Posts: 3
Member Since:
July 2, 2009
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

it will be a very long time before we see steel prices like that again.....or unless china has some massive building going on

May 24, 2009
3:16 PM
Forum Posts: 817
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January 12, 2006
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Wolf;11929 said:
Ain't that the truth. In more ways than one.

Hopefully things will get better real soon. But have you noticed the price of gas, just in time for the start of summer. Funny how that works, isn't it?

It's a conspiracy, I tells ya'!

It's funny that way isn't it?

May 23, 2009
12:44 PM

paul471;11914 said:
Thanks for the info, this time last year i was getting $380 a ton for light iron this weeks price $80 ton. This time last year i was treating everybody to dinner at the nicest place in town , tonight we goin to the chinese buffet 12 bucks all u can eat.My what a difference a year makes.

Ain't that the truth. In more ways than one.

Hopefully things will get better real soon. But have you noticed the price of gas, just in time for the start of summer. Funny how that works, isn't it?

May 23, 2009
11:43 AM
Forum Posts: 60
Member Since:
February 14, 2009
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Yeah, last July we were getting $590.00 per ton on prepared structural. Sure would like to see that again!

May 23, 2009
11:20 AM
Forum Posts: 817
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January 12, 2006
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Yep, I'm sitting on about 100 tons of 180lb rail until the market go up a little more. If the timing had been better I would have had $400/ton prices today its at 150, and I am right next door to the mill.

May 22, 2009
1:17 PM
Forum Posts: 76
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September 12, 2008
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Thanks for the info, this time last year i was getting $380 a ton for light iron this weeks price $80 ton. This time last year i was treating everybody to dinner at the nicest place in town , tonight we goin to the chinese buffet 12 bucks all u can eat.My what a difference a year makes.

May 22, 2009
7:59 AM
Forum Posts: 60
Member Since:
February 14, 2009
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Good call Demobud!!!

May 18, 2009
12:56 PM
Forum Posts: 817
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January 12, 2006
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Right now with the deflated scrap market, scrap dealers and processors are going to be very stringent on classification of steel grades. There's just too much on yards and too little demand from mills for the scrappies to want to take everything for good monney.

May 18, 2009
11:51 AM
New Member
Forum Posts: 1
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April 20, 2009
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No. 1 steel is at least 1/4 of an inch or thicker. If all of the material you were selling did not consist of these weights then the scrap yard will down grade your material. In the future it would be best to seperate your material acording to class to ensure you get the most money for your time.

May 15, 2009
10:09 AM
Forum Posts: 76
Member Since:
September 12, 2008
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Sent a triaxle load of steel pipe fence posts to a local scrap yard ,tell them its No.1 unprepared, they insist it is light iron . What thickness is no.1 ?

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