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High Rise Interior Demo
May 7, 2009
10:39 AM
Forum Posts: 56
Member Since:
September 12, 2007
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

no word on the job yet guys, last i know it went out to rebid, i guess 1.5 million was a little more than they had bargained for. I appreciate everyones input and advice.

April 8, 2009
2:51 PM
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April 8, 2009
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Without machines or a chute you'd be hard pressed to complete this project in 120 days. What's the latest?

March 20, 2009
6:51 AM
Forum Posts: 5298
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August 29, 2005
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Demopro, any updates for us? Curious on what you decided to do.

March 19, 2009
11:35 AM
Forum Posts: 13
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February 11, 2009
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Machines rather than people if you can, machines don't get tired. Chutes or chasses are always faster than elevators. Any time period is always achievable by adding more resources, it is just numbers. Look into the bobcat 453 if size is an issue, remember your scrubbers and o2.

March 2, 2009
6:57 AM
Forum Posts: 5298
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August 29, 2005
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I was going to suggest something similar to what cutter states. I would see if its possible to build a plywood chute with a scaffolding frame. 120 days is a pretty tight schedule and

How far is the dumpsters form the elevator? Also using the elevator, what is you plan on moving the material? buggys/dump carts?

February 28, 2009
9:18 AM
Forum Posts: 70
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November 15, 2008
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

not knowing more details on the project it is hard to give suggestions. I would guess a trash chute outside of the building is out of the question. I have put a chute down thru the floor by cutting openings in each floor and pouring them back when completed. Most likely they are converted this building to condos or apartments look for a new mechanical chase or other openings coming up thru the building try enlarging them. if you are in the 15,000 to 20,000 square feet per floor range to do it in the 120 days using the freight elevator you will have to work around the clock i feel.

February 26, 2009
9:33 PM
Forum Posts: 79
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April 16, 2008
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Go for a BROKK!! and a bobcat if you can handle the weight! take a look at our videos, there you see some of the BROKK demolition work with grapple. to bad i still don't have video on the BROKK 90 working with grapple and also our "freight containers" for elevators would be nice to show.
You would need to get the most out of the elevators lifting capacity, one way would be to use a inside plaster & rubble crusher, then you will make the rubble more dense and get more waste/m3. the elevator probably lifts 1000kg?

I would first demo and sort the waste in piles near the elevator, then have two groups, one that is "upstairs" and loads the containers and one that is on ground floor and emptys them. then you get the most of the elevators turnaround time.
option 2:
move the elevator to the top and install a rubble pipe in the elevator shaft!
have a bobcat that emptys downstairs and load with another upstairs, you will have problems with extreme dust and things riding the pipe in quite a fast way :D then you would need to use the public elevators to transport personell and the equipment.

what a pain in the *** project to bid...

February 24, 2009
1:07 PM
Forum Posts: 56
Member Since:
September 12, 2007
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I'm putting a bid together for an interior demo project inside a 20 story high rise in a downtown setting. Removal will be down a freight elevator. Scope of work is carpet, ceiling, electrical wiring, partitions. 120 days to complete. Any suggestions out there in regards to speeding up removal?

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