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General Rants and Raves
May 4, 2009
3:35 PM
Forum Posts: 817
Member Since:
January 12, 2006
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

This goes in the "some people just don't get it" file.
I observed a temp on a scaffold with no harness or lanyard so I dutifully called him down and told him that we were 100% tie off; if you set foot on a scaffold or ladder, you better be wearing a harness.
About twenty minutes later I came back around and he had his harness with lanyard but he had tied it to a forty foot rope that ran the length of the floor of the walkboards and down to the ground twenty feet away. I asked him if he really though that forty feet of rope would catch him before hit hit the ground at twenty feet. The puzzled look on his face told me that maybe he wasn't the temp for that particular job.

May 1, 2009
11:09 AM
Forum Posts: 60
Member Since:
February 14, 2009
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

There is a company here in Michigan that once welded a beam to a machine and then welded the hammer to that in order to get enough reach for what they were doing!!! It was not long before the hammer gave way and came sliding down the boom ripping all the lines off. It was a high reach to boot! That operator is so lucky he was able to bail out in time. Although it did not hit the cab, it did stick right into the top of the engine. What the heel are these guys thinking! No surprise that they can't bid work for the auto companies due to their safety record.

April 30, 2009
3:32 PM

Wow. That g-sup was kinda crazy. Guess he has no idea how much damage that grapple could do to him. Might even ruin his day.

April 18, 2009
8:44 AM
Forum Posts: 60
Member Since:
February 14, 2009
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

For instance, and to clear things up! The other day I had to cut some access points in the side of a half dozen tanks, so that our environmental people could get in power wash, clean and what not before we take them down. I was told by the General Superintendent I can cut the holes MUCH faster with a gas powered cut off saw than a torch. Keep in mind these are half inch thick steel tanks. Also, I was going to cut "doorways" in them and was told I was an idiot and to just remove the 14" round lids on the other access points. So, now what happens if god forbid something happened to one of the workers and EMS had to get them out of there... This is also the same guy that told me I can cut re-rod faster with a cut off saw. This is the kind of thing that I am looking for on a General Rant and Rave.

April 18, 2009
8:04 AM
Forum Posts: 60
Member Since:
February 14, 2009
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Look guys, When I posted this it was a "all in good fun" type of thing. God knows our days can be stressful! That is all. Also I think James made a VERY GOOD POINT about not bashing our competition or anyone else by name. We are all in this biz with one another. It is what we love and how we trade our time to make a living.

April 17, 2009
8:08 AM
Forum Posts: 178
Member Since:
May 28, 2008
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Hmmmmm. I'm on the fence on this.

On another site I belong to I made a 'constructive criticism comment'/ 'suggestion' on the blurriness of a photo that someone posted and it turned into a 8,750 view sticky thread.

Some things are better left unsaid or kept to yourself.

I think a rant and rave page would turn into Rock'em Sock'em Robots bashing arena.Surprised

This is not the forum to be pointing fingers or name calling.

If you want to rant and rage (rave) on something go to Craigslist, they have a section for that.

April 13, 2009
5:59 AM
Forum Posts: 5298
Member Since:
August 29, 2005
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

detroitwrecker;11440 said:
I think we need a place on this site where we can all vent our daily... shall we say observations!

You more than welcome to right here. The only things is don't complain about the staff or members here at the forum and don't bash your competition or manufactures, especially by name, we can be held liable for some content.

April 11, 2009
1:30 PM
Forum Posts: 60
Member Since:
February 14, 2009
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I think we need a place on this site where we can all vent our daily... shall we say observations! Like the other day I watched one of our operators f#$% around for an hour to save $5.00 worth of aluminum or how we have all had a dirt digger boss tell us how to set one up or any other entertaining things that go on daily in our world. Look forward to hearing from you.

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