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Update Completed!
May 19, 2007
5:32 PM
Forum Posts: 5298
Member Since:
August 29, 2005
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

We will be shutting the forum do again tonight starting at 7:00 PM for approx. 3 hours.

This is to fix some internal server errors.

May 19, 2007
2:46 AM
Forum Posts: 5298
Member Since:
August 29, 2005
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Well after having a little problem late into the night. We got everything figured out.

In the upgrade will lost about 300 - 400 posts in the classifieds. Be assured we are currently trying to get them back and we should have them back later today.

If you have come any problems on issues please let us know and we will get right on.

Thanks for patience and understanding,

James and the Demolition Forum Team

Forum Timezone: America/New_York

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